Your deferred benefit consists of an annual pension, that is payable for life, with an option on retirement to exchange part of your pension for a one off tax-free lump sum.
If you joined the LGPS prior to 2008, you would have also accrued an automatic tax-free lump sum. You can take up to 25% of the capital value of your pension tax free.
Your pension benefits also includes life cover and financial protection for your family. Go to the What if I die as a member? section for further details.
Manage your deferred pension online
To find out your current pension value, calculate a pension projection for future retirement dates, or update your contact details then log on to your My Wiltshire Pension (opens new window) online account.
The value of your deferred pension will be held with us until you decide to
transfer the value to another pension scheme;
or, when you elect to retire
Transfer out requests
Go to the Transferring to another registered pension scheme section for the step by step guide in transferring out your Wiltshire Pension Fund pension benefits.
You can only request a transfer out if you have met 2 years membership at the LGPS.
Retirement requests
If you would like to take your pension benefits at Wiltshire Pension Fund, go to our How do I request to take my pension? section for further information.
Manage your pension online via My Wiltshire Pension (opens new window)