Please select one of the following options so that your question can be directed to the right area of Wiltshire Pension Fund
Alternatively you can contact us by phone 01225 713613 or email pensionenquiries@wiltshire.gov.uk or post at Wiltshire Pension Fund, PO Box 2096, Livingston, EH54 0HH.
Our opening hours are Monday to Friday 9.00am - 5.00pm
Are you a Financial Advisor or other Third Party?
Freedom of Information Requests (FOIs)
Please email Wiltshire Council's Information Governance department or use the online request submission form
Please describe as clearly as possible the information you are seeking access to including any dates, reference numbers or other identifiers where appropriate. If your request is not clear to us we will contact you to clarify what you are seeking access to.
The legislation allows us up to 20 working days to respond to your request but we will answer as soon as we can.
Prudential's contact details (AVC provider)
By phone: 0345 6000 343
Website: www.pru.co.uk/localgov
Compliments, Complaints or Disputes
Website: www.wiltshirepensionfund.org.uk/Compliments-complaints-and-disputes